He is more than a hero
H e i s a god in my eyes —
the man w ho is allowed
to s it be side you - h e
who lis tens intimately
to t he sweet murmur of
yo ur voice, the enticing
laughter that makes my own
heart beat fast. If I meet
you suddenly, I can’t
speak — my tongue is broken;
a t h in flame r u ns under
my ski n;seeing nothing,
hearing only my own ears
drumming, I drip with sweat;
trembling shakes my body
and I tur n paler than
dry gr ass. At s uch times
death isn’t f ar from m e.
Translated by Mary Barnard (1958)
phainetai moi kênos îsos theoisin
emmen’ ônêr ottis enantios toi
isdanei kai plâsion âdu phonei-
sâs upakouei
kai gelaisâs îmeroen to m’ êmân
kardiân en stêthesin eptoaisen
ôs gar es s’ idô brokhe’ os me phônai-
s’ oud’ en et’ eikei
alla kam men glôssa eâge lepton
d’ autika khrôi pur upadedromâken
oppatessi d’ oud’en orêmm’ epirom-
beisi d’ akouai
kad de m’ idrôs kakkheetai tromos de
paisan agrei khlôrotera de poiâs
emmi tethnakên d’ oligô ‘pideuês
phainom’ em’ autai.
Alla pan tomaton . . .
—Sappho (ca. 500 BC)