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Programming for Artists Prof. Joseph Moore

Tuesday 2:00 - 4:50 email: Office hours: Monday 2 - 5pm

Useful Links: The Software! Website for the Book! The Homework Wiki! FTP Client!

Course Description Programming for Artists is an entry level programming class geared toward teaching artists fundamental aspects of computer programming. Objectives Students will:

learn fundamental programming concepts and approaches gain knowledge of artists working with computation apply this knowledge effectively in the creation of their own works.

Student Responsibilities

Turn in work on time, late work will not be accepted with penalty! Turn in work before class starts on the course wiki. Sign the role, this is how I know you were in class! Participate in discussion.

Method of Evaluation

Participation and Attendance: 20% Exercises: 20% Midterm: 30% Final: 30%

The grade you receive will be based on participation, exercises, a sketchbook, and a final project. Attendance is required for every class and missing 3 classes = an automatic failure of the course. Late work will not be accepted without penalty. 1 week late = a subtraction of 2 letter grades. More than a week = a failing grade. If you do turn in work late, you must email me immediately after you post a link to the project on the wiki. Missing more than 3 classes is an automatic failure in the course.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a failure in the course! Please see CUNY's policy on plagiarism here. Class Etiquette

When I am presenting the class lecture I ask that students refrain from texting, checking their email, etc. I will not do those things when you are speaking and I ask for the same courtesy. This same respect should be extended to your fellow classmates. If someone is being disrespectful during critique they will receive a 0 for the day. Textbook

The textbook for this course is Learning Processing my Daniel Shiffman. Any other reading will be handed out during class or it will be available online. Class Schedule Class 1 8/30 In Class

Download Processing We are going to use an alpha release of Processing 2.0. The advantage of this is that we are using the leading edge newest version of Processing which includes Javascript mode, better support for video, and many other features. The downside to using 2.0 is that it is new and somewhat unstable, we may experience more bugginess than with the existing 1.5.1 version. In addition, some changes made for Processing in 2.0 will result in differences in the reference and examples on the Processing web site, as well as in the various Processing books. Changes are documented on the Processing wiki. If you think you have found a bug or are confused by a syntax difference, send an e-mail to the google group. Download Processing 2.0 (currently 2.0a8) creating a static sketch drawing simple shapes using color function calls comments Sol LeWitt's wall drawing instructions uploading homework

Class 2 9/6 In Class

look at drawings Repetition, Variation, and Transformation using setup() and draw() mouse interaction

Homework Due

Read chapters 1-3 in the book. LeWitt Drawing

Class 3 9/13 In Class

Primitives Variables Conditionals and Boolean Logic

Homework Due

Read Chapters 4: Variables and 5: Conditionals

Class 4 9/20 In Class

Loops and Iteration The while loop The for loop Scope

Homework Due

Read Chapter 6: Loops

Class 5 9/27

FIELDTRIP to the New Museum!

Class 6 10/4 In Class

Functions Objects

Homework Due

Read Chapters 7: Functions and 8: Objects

Class 7 10/11 In Class

Arrays Debugging Using libraries

Homework Due

Read Chapter 9: Arrays

Class 8 10/18 In Class

Work on midterm in class

Homework Due

Work on Midterm.

Class 9 10/25 In Class

Midterm due

Homework Due


Class 10 11/1 In Class

Image Processing

Homework Due

Read Chapter 15: Images

Class 11 11/8 In Class

Processing video Camera as sensor

Homework Due

Read Chapter 16: Video Create 3 animations using no more than 4 images each.

Class 12 11/15 In Class


Homework Due

Final Proposal Due

Class 13 11/29 In Class


Homework Due


Class 14 12/6

Work on Final Project

Class 15 12/20 In Class

Final Critique

Homework Due

Final Project!