2D Imaging
The City College of New York
- Thursday 9-11:50
- Prof. Joseph Moore
- email: jmoore@ccny.cuny.edu
- Office Hours: Thursday 1:00 - 4:00 in CG205 and by appointment
- Course website: http://understandingnewmedia.com/2d
Course Description
This course focuses on the creation and "reading" of images. Throughout the course students will learn foundational technologies relating to the creation and manipulation of digital imagery. At the same time, students will hone their ability to successfully analyze both their own images and the images that surround them.
In our media saturated environment images compel us to make certain choices. An image may insight us to vote for a particular political candidate, to take up a cause, an image may be used to convince us to buy one product instead of another, or an image may be used to justify some ways of life while it demonizes others. In short, images can be understood as a kind of visual rhetoric.
As creators of images, it is necessary to develop both our technical and analytic abilities. On the technical side, we will learn how to deal with formal aspects of images such as color, value, and contrast, as well as techiniques such as masking and compositing. On the theoretical side, we will employ a number of tools in our attempt to "read" images which range from Art history to semiotics.
- To develop technical facility in the creation and manipulation of images.
- To gain a knowledge of artists working creatively with images.
- To interpret images using a number of theoretical tools.
Student Responsibilities
- Turn in work on time. Late work will not be accepted without penalty.
- Spend an appropriate amount of time working on assignments.
- Be present and on time! Attendance in mandatory. 3 absences = a failing grade.
- You are responsible for signing the role. This is how I know that you were present.
- Students are required to keep a sketchbook/notebook and take notes on readings, discussions, and lectures.
Method of Evaluation
- Participation and Attendance: 20%
- Exercises: 35%
- Sketchbook/Notebook: 10%
- Final Project: 35%
In your notebook you are required to keep notes on readings done for class as well as class lectures. I don't expect you to fill up an entire notebook on one reading but I do expect you to have at least two pages of notes for each of the readings with you the day that the reading is due. You should also include sketches for projects and anything else you find useful in developing course assignments. The notebook you use should olny be for this course, i.e. do not put work from other classes in this notebook. The notebook must be turned in the last day of class, failure to turn in the notebook will result in losing 10 points from your final grade.
Class Etiquette
When I am presenting the class lecture I ask that students refrain from texting, checking their email, etc. I will not do those things when you are speaking and I ask for the same courtesy. This same respect should be extended to your fellow classmates. If someone is being disrespectful during critique they will receive a 0 for the day.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a faliure in the course. Please see CUNY's policy on academic integrity.
Class Readings
All readings will be available for download or I will give out printed copies.
This syllabus is subject to change. The newest version will always be available at http://understandingnewmedia.com/2d/.
Class | In Class | Work due |